In Close Agreement Translate

This was in close agreement with such a vertical propagation speed, which was previously observed using SABER data. This is in close agreement with the results obtained from the powdered XRD data. This is in close agreement with previous experimental results [11] and theoretical predictions [25] for nanowire-coated surfaces. The experimental data (recorded after four days) are in close agreement with the simulation data, which represent a homogeneous layer of 17 μm of oxide. This is in close agreement with the results of dynamic molecular calculations. The analytical model developed for the surface potential along the length of the channel is in close agreement with the data of the Silvaco Technology Computer Aided Design device simulator. This is in close agreement with spectroscopic data. Since I tried Ludwig in 2017, I have been using it constantly in both writing and translation. Since then, I offer it to my translators at ProSciEditing.

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