School Governors Confidentiality Agreement

If governors are unable to attend meetings, they should ensure that the Chair and Administrator are communicated to the governors prior to the meeting. People who become headteachers make a positive contribution by giving their time and experience to help the school provide each student with the best possible education, enabling staff and students to achieve the highest standards of performance. This code of conduct should serve as a basis for clarifying the behaviour and behaviour expected by all headteachers. While it is recognized that each governing body operates and operates differently depending on the type of school, there is a general expectation for the standard of behaviour, which is acceptable. The purpose of this code of conduct is to articulate this expectation in a framework easily understood by all governors. Governors should act as a team and always in the best interests of the school. The governing body as a whole decides whether a discussion point is confidential and all governors are expected to comply. Individual governors are expected to respect this confidentiality and not disclose information considered confidential in another forum. All discussions on decision-making should remain confidential to those present. Governors have a duty to know the school and are encouraged to interfere in school activities. Visits to the school are carried out within the framework of the governing body and are agreed with the principal. All governors are expected to contribute to the development of the school; Its strategic framework Determining the character, objectives, ethics and values of the school; and the development of their policies.

All reports to the governing body and its committees are public documents after the meeting has reviewed them and must be accessible to the school to anyone wishing to consult them, unless the governing body expressly decides that they are confidential. The purpose of the code is therefore to give governors a clearer understanding of their role and to create a framework in which they will be able to carry out their duties effectively. Governors should be aware of the procedures established by the governing body to respond to criticism or complaints about the school. (In the case of school officials, this means that they do not want to adopt a policy or approach solely because they benefit family or a friend or a certain group of school actors, and they are aware that the reason for this function benefits all children in school and does not isolate a particular group. In cases where a governor has a financial or immediate interest, they should explain it, withdraw from the meeting and not participate in the decision-making process). The governing body should support and promote appropriate partnership and cooperation with other schools in the region and local authority, especially in the current climate. The Governor`s Code of Conduct is the document that outlines the behaviour of our board members. It is necessarily a voluminous document that explains the obligations of the governing body in its role to oversee the training of students at Broad Oak Primary School. It also explains why governors must behave as they do, in order to preserve the confidentiality of all parties involved while addressing the needs of individuals. Governors are expected to behave as “critical friends” of the school at all times. These include monitoring and evaluating the school`s work; Support, constructive advice, a basis for resonance for ideas, a second opinion on proposals and assistance, if necessary.